The objective of having a spa in Melbourne is to experience a relaxing and unique experience. However, with so many indoor and outdoor spa available in the market, it will be tough for you to select one. Therefore, it is better to customize by adding new features. In this blog, we will mention the five unique features you can add to the spa in Melbourne to get an enriching experience.

1. Infused Water
To get the best experience in a spa in Melbourne, rehydrating the supplies is key. Of course, you can opt for a cooler or bottled water, but fruit or vegetable-infused water offers you a little extra. For example, with cucumber and lime-infused water or melon and mint option, you get an enriched experience and encourage hydration. Adding this gives you a much better experience than the run-of-the-mill spa.
2. Sound Baths
For those who are all about their body senses, a sound bath is a must-have spa feature. This is an immersive experience that uniquely and sensually taps into the body. The strength behind the tones will draw out the tension and help you feel much more relaxed. Everyone may not like the sound baths, but it is a fascinating feature that offers an elating experience.
3. Sensory Deprivation Tanks
Not everyone will be fond of tingling senses while engaging in the spa experience. However, when it comes to a spa in Melbourne, this feature is gaining popularity. This is an extraordinary experience that cuts off other senses causing the person in the tank to have a quiet and reflective moment in the most ambient setting possible. With a completely new environment and a sense of floating freely, most people would experience the peace that washes over them and enjoy this strange but enticing sensation.
4. Facial Steaming
This is yet another highly popular feature of a spa in Melbourne. Gone are the days of sitting in a sauna for a long time. They are replaced with more targeted steaming. Through heat and moisture, you will experience a rejuvenating sensation. This will also clear your sinuses and pores and refresh your face. This could be an exhilarating yet relaxing experience.